:EMAGERP: .thginot tnemhsinup eht re ,dnuom eht sekat agarralaG odnamrA
:puenil siht etanimod ot steg rezrehcS xaM
FC ,nosrednarG .1
FL ,ecyoJ .2
B3 ,nelliuG .3
FR ,zenodrO .4
B1 ,arerbaC .5
C ,zeugirdoR .6
SS ,airetneR .7
B2 ,nrubaR .8
P ,agarralaG .9
moc.ecnerefeR-llabesaB – weiverP emaG 8002 ,71 yaM ,yadrutaS ,IRA @ TED
POSTGAME: For those wondering, no we won’t be doing every game in reverse-text until they lose again. This was a one time slump busting move. Though I do expect the Tigers socks to remain high for the time being.
The Tigers seemed to have rubbed off some on the D-backs. It was Arizona biffing a bunt and then Orlando Hudson having the brain fart and not running to first while the Pudge Rodrgiuez made the heads up play to turn 2. It was Connor Jackson letting a routine dribbler extend an inning leading to the Tigers first runs. It was Arizona pitching walking 6 batters. It was Arizona hitters failing to deliver with runners in scoring position and hitting into double plays.
Okay, the Tigers still did most of that stuff too. They walked 6. Ryan Raburn dropped a double play throw. It appeared there was another pop-out that went uncalled. The Tigers still struggled with RISP. But a win is a win. And there was stuff to be encouraged about. Miguel Cabrera continued to hit the ball hard. Curtis Granderson managed a couple hits. And Matt Joyce looks completely unfazed despite hitting 4 homers in 10 games.
Armando Galarraga could probably be described as effectively wild last night. He wasn’t particularly sharp in issuing 5 walks, but he did only allow 1 hit. It was the 4th quality start in the last 5 games for Tigers starters who appear to be turning things around as a group.
!sregiT og steL
?euqse-gniwO eb wohemos odnamrA naC
!thginot puenil eht ni nurbaR dna ecyoJ ees ot eciN
?siht ekil gnitnemmoc peek ot evah ew od thginot niw yeht fI
.truh seye yM
.gnoht dlog a naht ypeerc ssel tola era skcos hgih ehT
.emalf eht ot htom eht ekiL
?thginot etalp emoh dniheb retah-regiT a ereht sI
What the…..is going on out here…?
.yalp ni ti peeK sekirts worhT .llab eht thguac nelliuG – trats dooG
.htrowsnraF elyK fo em sdnimer yreviled s’rezrehcS
What, you can’t speak rtkagjkdkj???
Ha! I love it.
!refliB ,ti nivoL
!oot skcos hgih eht nivoL
nalyD & sirhC:
.uoy dnatsrednu t’nac ew ,yrroS
!!krow fo tol a nekat evah tsum tahT
.revo srennur eht evom t’nac llits egduP
!!gniticxE .eno sehctac arrerbaC won dnA
!teewS .3-2-1
!!taerg si sihT
…eitnu dlrow eht fo scyxelsiD
.golbeW regiT tiorteD orraziB ehT ot emocleW
A lob; a rap as bat stabs; a parabola!
.reisae ti ekam semordnilaP
able was I ere I saw elba
.PI6 ni BB4, H5, K4, R1 :thginot ellertnoD
.dnuora nrut eht ot yek eht era skcos gnol ehT
…esrever ni nettirw eb ot sah golb elohw siht thginot niw sregit eht fI
Wow! This is hard reading. My head hurts, and it’s not from the Tigers.
:apmaT ni nairB
.detcennoc si gnihtyrevE
“Am I mad, eh?” Giselle sighed, “Am I, Ma?”
.kaerb a fo egatnavda koot eW. .woW
.srettel gnorw eht dezilatipac uoY.
.oot ni m’I sseug I os ,serusaem etarepsed rof llac semit etarepsed tub ,epyt suoititsrepus eht ton m’I
.yllufepoH .emag siht reniM ees t’now ew tsael tA
if they send galaragga down to the minors i would say they are trying to improve their draft position because nothing else makes sense.
.ni ‘nivom si (ecyoJ) god gnuoy a, revo no ti evom ot (dleiffehS) god dlo eht rof emiT
?dezeeuqs teg srehctip ruo od ro, em ti sI
.noinipo ym ni ,yadot sllac dab tnatalb oN
.PD teewS
The backwards posting is flat brutal. I’ll step up and post normal.
.esaelp snur erom ynaM .won tghir retsaocrelloR eldnah nac I kniht t’ond I
.snur erom owt deen yeht kniht llits I
.egdup yalp a tahW
.ton sseug I ?elur ylf dleifnI
!!!egduP yob attA
Perfect opportunity for the TJ blown save.
hold on high sox tigs
.emit gniyalp erom gnitteg eb dlouhs ogaitnaS ebyam ,yletal airetneR morf niotcudorp fo dnik eht neviG
.retsaoc eht no teg ot emiT
!noitats eht evael ot tuoba si retsaocrelloR JT eht ,sklof ni sevlesrouy partS
!apluc aem !!TIDE PBH-tsoP yllamron etirw dluohs ew ebyam os ,raey siht tcefrep neeb s’eh esruoc fO .ysenoJ nom’C
The 5-run curse is broken!
Alright we won, I’m done with backwards. Joyce has to stay in LF. HIGH SOCKS RULE!!
!lausu sa gnikcarw-evreN
Oh yeah. No way Galarraga should get sent down. NO WAY!!
.005. hcaer yeht litnu tsop sdrawkcab ni niamer tsum ew ,”illirG fo esruC ehT” dne ylurt ot redro nI
:thguoht tsal enO
A tip: save Eva’s pita.
Funny, NM ni ecniV
Seriously. It would be criminal to take Armando out of the rotation. Yet with our five contracted starters, it’s probably going to happen.
What’s a possible solution? Nate to long relief?
[nohtyP ytnoM\] !!!”boltoN” eb dluow “notloB” fo emordnilap ehT
It would seem the backwards talk scared almost everyone away. Oh well.
This is going to be an unpopular opinion but Galarraga did not look particularly good to me. His command all night was spotty.
The backwards is tough. It did work though. I will talk to you all tomorrow. I could be a little late, (beach with wife) but I will be here with high socks and sdrawkcab talk, if necessary. Peace.
?pu siht peek ot dnetni syug uoy od gnol woH
.”no” si tinU eht fi sruoh 81 tuoba ni eb yam hcihw ,ssol txen eht litnU
so, i was only half-watching. did jones have the high socks when he was pitching? i saw after the game they pulled his socks down and pants legs up…
i think everyone else on the field did have the high-socks look going. i despise the normal ordenez/guillen/etc look. hopefully, this stupid superstition carries on.
.pots ot gniog ton m’I .flesruoy tiuS
noitulover skcos hgih (high socks revolution)
I’m on a “baseball break” but of course it was on at the bar last night, as much as I tried to avoid watching it. It was great to see a signal of team camaraderie (the socks) and also being a fan of high socks I hope the stay around the whole time. Except for Renteria, who could do with some actual high socks, and Todd Jones who should never expose skin like that again.
As an Australia-based Braves fan, I found your blog on google and read a few of your other Braves posts.
I just added you to my Google News Reader. Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more from you in the future.