The news came down yesterday that despite valiant attempts by many to save her, Tiger Stadium was going to finally come down. Surprisingly I felt very little when I heard the news.
I think a combination of things were in play. First and foremost the corner just hasn’t looked right since the majority of the stadium was stripped away last summer. I drive by on a fairly regular basis and it just wasn’t the Tiger Stadium I had memories of.
The plans for maintaining the field and part of the stadium were noble, and quite frankly I would have been thrilled to see it come to fruition. But like so much else, the timing wasn’t there with the downturn in economy. That could have been avoided perhaps if it weren’t for the decade of nothingness since the last game was played.
I’ll continue to drive by the place, and it will just be another empty lot in Detroit. But I was there for the last game and I have the memories of my first game. Plus, I had my chance to say good bye to her.
It’s sad that Mike Ilitch, the Tigers organization and the former players haven’t shown a greater financial commitment to the old stadium. It’s also borderline criminal that the city and state didn’t act a decade ago to preserve this historical landmark. But at this point, it’s a rump of a stadium.
The city of Detroit needs a new manufacturing facility to employ the labor skills we have here. Let’s see the Detroit Economic Growth Corp. make headlines for something like that for a change.
The city is completely disfunctional, so its no surprise that its leaders have lacked the foresight and vision to see the Stadium saved.
As for the state, its funny that “historical site” markers make it on to houses, parks, buildings all over the state of dubious distinction, but not on Tiger Stadium…
Oh, well…she’ll live on in our memories for another couple generations.
My thoughts are, if they intended to keep Tiger stadium and turn it into a usable older ballpark, that decision was made long ago not to. The cost and effort to keep an old stadium when there is no other tenant just so people can see it, is not practical.
I love Tiger stadium just like you, but its larger and more costly than something we can keep in our basement and look at once in a while when we fell nostalgic.
I’m sure this will evoke negativity and that is not the point, I’m simply saying that the cost and amount of upkeep on a stadium is not worth any investment. Because in another city it looks like “East Tootale ooh” spends 300,000K per year upkeep on a stadium that no one uses while there are other items to spend money on in the budget. If the stadium was kept up and in decent condition what would we do, go there and remember the old days.
I wonder if the built Comerica park similar to the old stadium if there would be this sentiment? I loved the style and feel of the park. Comerica is modern but that where the difference begins.
I still have fond memories of paint/rust chips falling in my beer and old stinking urinals. They should of tore it down back in the 90’s before they gave it that half arsed renovation with the food courts outside. I couldn’t wait for Comerica Park to be built. Only fault is that Comerica wasn’t built for distinguished home runs that could be hit over the roof and into the Detroit River.
More Tiger Stadium thoughts…
If there were a Historical Marker for Tiger Stadium it would have to be secured with titanium bolts and lots of welding. The historical marker for Ty Cobb was stolen a while back.
I remember going to Tigers games when I was a kid. My loving Fiance got me a seat from the stadium. I will miss the place for sure. If they didn’t already start demolition on it I would say keep it. But the last thing Detroit needs is a half torn down relic of a building. Time to move on.