Bonderman’s showing forces tough call by pitching-starved Tigers

“I (Roger Craig) also help out with the Diamondbacks in spring training, and if they had someone like this, he would be in Double-A and Triple-A before going to the majors, simply because of the pitchers they already have at the major league level,” Craig said. “But the structure here is different. I don’t know what will happen with Bonderman, but they have a situation where if they want to they can bring him right to the big leagues.

Lou visits camp, confident in Trammell

“I introduced him to the players, and later on in the meeting used him in one of the examples of hitting strategy,” Trammell said. “Some of our players will be asked — or forced, I guess would be a better term — in certain situations to take a pitch.
“Lou was a good guy to talk about this. When he was a leadoff hitter, he learned how to take pitches and forced himself to learn to hit behind in the count.”

Randy Smith sounds off

“The owner threw the plan out the window,” Smith said. “An owner’s ability to stay patient and stick to his convictions, to me, is the most crucial thing in an organization. The plan can be constantly evolving. But if it is constantly changing in different directions, the organization has no chance to be successful.”

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